Life’s Too Short to Live Without Love

11 Jun

loveYou only live once” or YOLO has been quite a famous expression lately. Life is full of adventures, big and small and we have to enjoy every moment we can. In Greek mythology it is said that the gods envy the mortals because we live each days like it is our last and enjoy even the smallest things, while they have seen everything and are immortal; everything seems dull and repetitive.

Life is full of ups and downs, but to live a happy life, one must know about love. Love is not just limited to being in a relationship with someone else. According to Anthony Robbins, “The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.” Make every relationship with the people around you fruitful and harmonious. This way, you will see things in a different light and enjoy life more.

From a quotations site about love, Bertrand Russell, in Marriage and Morals said that “To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.” See? Life is too short to live without love.

While there is joy in solitude, loving and being loved makes every day more wonderful. In love, people get hurt because of fights, misunderstandings, and sacrifices. But these pains are what make people better and these feelings help people grow and be stronger.

There are many hurdles that people have to face in their lives. Sometimes, these obstacles become too hard to bear, especially alone. Thankfully, there are many pages online which provide inspirational words whenever one feels down or alone.

Visit the page you know can help you feel better and inspired once in a while. Sometimes, even the long ago uttered words by famous people can provide comfort when nothing else seems to work. Live life to the fullest, and make the most of what you’ve got.

One Response to “Life’s Too Short to Live Without Love”

  1. kebenei June 11, 2012 at 6:36 pm #

    To love ant to be loved is everything…

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